Senin, 31 Desember 2012

What is the best acne treatment out there that is suited for me?

Q. I have moderate acne and a few acne scars on my face, chest, back, and shoulders. I am in serious need of the best acne treatment out there. Please help!

A. It depends on the type of acne. Talk to a dermatologist. But what worked for me was tanning. 5 minutes in a tanning bed three times a week took care of most of my acne, especially on the back, chest, and shoulders. my dermatologist prescribed differin gel for my face and it worked too.

What is the best acne treatment out there that is suited for me?
Q. I have moderate acne and a few acne scars on my face, chest, back, and shoulders. I am in serious need of the best acne treatment out there. Please help!
I was thinking of using Clearpores for my problem. Can I also have your opinions on it, too? Thanks.

A. It depends on the type of acne. Talk to a dermatologist. But what worked for me was tanning. 5 minutes in a tanning bed three times a week took care of most of my acne, especially on the back, chest, and shoulders. my dermatologist prescribed differin gel for my face and it worked to.

What is the best acne product you can buy without a prescription?
Q. What non prescription acne product will help get rid of my acne the best and keep it away? Life for example proactive, clean and clear, etc. like either in a kit or one product thanks.

A. The best acne treatment is a jug of water. I'm serious, you don't need anything fancy like Fiji water. Just a big bottle of water. Keep it next to you all day and drink 2-3 liters everyday. This helps moisturize your skin and clears out junk from your bloodstream. This will help stop breakouts in the long term.

In the short term, all you need is baking soda, aspirin and honey. Mix the baking soda with a bit of water and lightly massage your face then rinse off. Then crush up the aspirin tablets, mix with a little bit of water and massage onto your face. leave this on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off. Finally, put some honey on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes.

The combination of the above three will clean pores, dry up breakouts, prevent future breakouts and moisturize your skin. However this is only temporary because as your learn to drink more and more water everyday, your body will start to adjust internally. You'll start having less cravings for junk food and your body will be able to deal with the inner problems that lead to acne in the first place.

This means no more breakouts, ever.

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Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

How long does it take for acne scars to become unnoticable?

Q. My acne scars are so noticeable! How long does it take to become unoticable? And when does it completely heal?
Thanks! :)

A. It depends on what type of acne scars you have - do you have the deep pitted scars from acne cysts or do you have the dark red ones? I had the dark red ones (these are called macules) and these will fade over time. The trick is to not allow more acne to follow that will cause more scars and not allow your skin to heal. In either case, scars can / will fade but depending on what type you have, it depends on how long.

Here is what I recommend to help (this is also what I did and my acne scars did fade).

First, make sure you cleanse at least once a day. Don't overdo it here (sometimes people shower more often thinking they'll get rid of the acne by washing it away - you can actually make things worse if you strip away too much of your natural oils because your skin will respond with making more oil - causing more acne.) If, however, you sweat a lot, you may want to wash your skin again (even it it's just with a wash cloth) - for instance, after playing sports, etc. Wash with a cleanser that YOUR skin responds to. But, do not choose a cleanser that has alcohol in it (as this also causes your skin to dry out and cause more acne). Also, don't choose anything that has fragrance in it as it can irritate your skin.

I would also exfoliate on a regular basis. Exfoliating your skin will help remove dead skin cells that get trapped because of too much sebum (oil) on your skin - causing pores to get clogged...thus forming acne. I expect you have oily skin. With oily skin, you should exfoliate 3-5 per week. (If you have dry or sensitive skin, only once per week; Normal skin would be everyday.) Exfoliating and thus removing the dead skin will allow your new skin to come through but just remember not to overdo it.

Many people think they can hurry the process along and while you can help the appearance of it by removing dead skin so that the new skin comes through, you don't want to make it worse by trying too hard and damaging your skin further.

Good luck to you...I hope that they fade quickly for you.

How do I get rid of acne scarring after my acne is gone?
Q. I used to have really bad acne that covered basically my whole face, mostly my cheeks. I still get zits that pop up now and then, but its totally manageable. Now, the problem I'm having is that I have a bunch of scarring left over on my cheeks from the acne I used to have. I have been using the ProActiv 3-step system and i also have been using ProActiv's skin lightening lotion, though i havent noticed much of an improvement. I dont have any deep scarring or anything, but its about moderate. I hate having these marks on my face and ive been trying to get rid of them for a while. Is there any easy-enough solution to getting rid of moderate acne scarring without having to get involved in surgical processes such as dermabrasion?

A. Acne can be very mild, resulting in a few lone blemishes, or it can be severe when it occurs on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and back. Pustules and deeper cysts occur with very severe acne and scarring may result if the condition is not cared for properly. These scars may be visible for a lifetime. Here's what your can do to prevent these scars from forming, and treat them if they do develop.

Preventing Acne Scars
Never pick or squeeze acne blemishes. This can lead to the spread of acne and the development of acne scars. Instead, there are a number of treatment methods that can be used to care for acne and prevent the development of scars. Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper, bergamot, dandelion root, Echinacea, poke root, witch hazel, and burdock root can be used to reduce toxicity, improve the skin's condition and treat acne. Vitamin supplements can also be helpful as vitamins A, C, E and B6 are vital for healthy skin. Also, avoid exposing your skin to the sun's rays. Initially, sun exposure may dry out an acne blemish, but over time, unprotected sun exposure can damage the skin and further aggravate problem acne.

Types of Acne Scars
Medical professionals have developed a acne scarring classification system that aids in the diagnosis and treatment of many acne scars. Scars may be classified as ice pick, boxcar, or rolling.

Acne Scars - Ice pick
As their name implies, ice pick acne scars are thin, sharp scars. The skin looks as though it has been sliced with an ice pick. These scars are narrow, but deep, extending into the deep dermis or subcutaneous layer.
Acne Scars - Boxcar
Unlike ice pick scars, boxcar scars do not taper to a point. Instead, they are round pits that have sharp vertical edges. Skin resurfacing techniques such as dermabrasion or laser resurfacing may be used to treat shallow boxcar scars. Deeper scars require full-thickness treatment techniques.
Acne Scars - Rolling
Rolling scars appear to have a rolling or undulating texture. They are the result of folds in the skin to the subcutaneous tissue below. Rolling scars must be treated by breaking up the fibrous bands that are causing the skin to fold or roll. Subcutaneous incision is the method most commonly used to treat this condition.

Acne Scar Treatment

Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers such as fat, collagen, hyaluronic acid derivatives, and polytheyl-methacrylate microspheres with collagen can be injected into acne scars to raise the surface of the skin and give a smoother look. The injection of dermal fillers does not permanently correct acne scars. The results are temporary, so further injections are necessary.
Punch Excision
Deep acne scars such as ice pick and deep boxcar scars can be treated with the punch excision method. This procedure uses a punch biopsy tool that looks similar to a round, sharp cookie-cutter. It comes in diameters ranging from 1.5 mm to 3.5 mm, and the correct size can be chosen to match the size of the scar. Local anesthesia is used to remove the scar tissue and suture the edges together. If a new scar should develop in the old one's place, it will now be easier to treat with a skin resurfacing technique.
This technique can also be performed with a skin graft, where the scarred skin is removed and that area is filled with a skin graft taken from behind the ear. Some kind of skin resurfacing technique will still likely be needed to correct any differences in the skin's color and texture.
Punch Elevation
This method of surgically correcting acne scars uses the same punch tool that is used in the punch excision method. It is used on deep boxcar scars that have sharp edges and normal appearing bases. With the punch elevation method, the base of the scar is excised leaving the walls of the scar intact. The excised base is then sutured to the surface of the skin to fill the void. There are fewer incidences of color and texture differences with this technique and less chance of developing another visible scar.
Subcutaneous Incision
Rolling scars can be treated with subcutaneous incision. This method is used to break up the fibrous bands that cause the skin to roll or appear undulated. Local anesthesia is inserted under the skin with a special beveled needle that remains parallel to the skin's surface. The needle is then used to gently cut the fibrous bands with a piston like motion. Bruising is likely to occur with this method, but it will usually fade in about one week.
Laser Resurfacing
Laser resurfacing is a popular treatment used to cure many skin defects. Carbon dioxide and YAG lasers are the two most common types used for the laser resurfacing of acne scars. Using the controlled beam of a laser, the top layer of skin is burned to a precise depth. The skin then heals itself by replacing the lost skin with new skin.

How to remove acne scars and hyper pigmentation?
Q. I'm 13, and I have acne scars on the apples of my cheeks. I don't want to wear powder and concealer to cover up my acne scars due to my mother hating it and I feel awkward wearing it. I want my scars to be gone when I'm 18. Any home remedies or cheap products that can work?

A. Adam Lambert has the worst acne scars. JLo, even Demi Moore have been seen with scars on their faces during interviews. Demi in October 2012 issue of 'People magazine, showed her freckles (acne?) on the cover and inside article photo showed she had them removed but there was a 'hole' and no makeup could fill that in. How about Jennifer Hudson 'flea beaten scars' on her legs, as if she had itched them and got infected. I had some of those when I was a kid. With all their money they're making now, even beauty products can't do anything about their faces or should I say scars.
Avoid exposure from the sun, use a floppy hat. The sun can darken them, even skin where it never saw daylight. The sun can go through clothing.

Avoid too much sun exposure, so it won't make your scars even DARKER. Skin heals. So let your scab heals.

Take the Skin Picture Quiz - Identify These Common Skin Conditions on MedicineNet.
Any kind of facial wash, you're leaving something toxic behind, it's not a matter of convenience, it's a billion dollar business that can do more harm than good to your acne. And sometimes we feel entirely virtuous about our skin-care regimen because it's full of SPF-- all year round!-- and cleansers and such. But the truth is, we may not realize that we're overdoing (or underdoing) something that can lead to the very thing we're trying to avoid: dryness, breakouts, accelerated aging, New York dermatologist Dr. Jeannette Graf. (I've been giving this same advice for decades, but she's proof enough!).
Take a shower everyday, use washcloth to exfoliate and bath & body wash. Hydrogen peroxide does wonders for acne. Visit their website for more tips & other uses. ONLY $1.

Acne medication could worsen what ever allergies you have, so instead of trying out one product after another, you're actually spreading it around.
The less products you use, the better for your skin. Use a bath & body wash like Suave, Irish Spring, Dove Body & Face wash in the shower, use a washcloth. Treat your face like the rest of your body, take a shower everyday or wash your face everyday.

The secret is keeping your face clean and oil-free. I also don't use liquid on my face for anything, and very little moisturizer, not even a dime size. Since my face is not dry. Good skin also comes from your good genes. Increase your fresh fruits & vegetables 3-5 servings per day. And programmed your mind to do this day after day, for the rest of your life.

The beauty industry is a billion dollar business, they know acne is everyone's problem, but instead of saying soap is drying for you, they have to invent an acne product that can worsen the skin as MANY TEENAGERS have experienced during hormonal change, but as you get older those are completely a waste of time & money!

Sometimes just the oil on your face from make up and lotions, even from your hair can travel to your face causing acne to come out. Others, from stress, hormones & diet or foods.

If acne's a problem, your pillowcases may be part of the cause. "They collect skin oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, and excess night creams," says David Bank, a professional Dermatology @ Columbia University/New York-Presbyterian Hospital. "But if nothing changed by 6 week the product will never work for you. Time to move on."

"If you have breakouts, dairy is the devil' it is inflammatory and will add hormones to your already hormone-rife system. Get calcium elsewhere, or try nonfat organic dairy products. For PMS breakouts, avoid dairy and bakery items the week before your period - sugar and flour are both causes for pimples and collagen." Dr. Jessica Wu, M.D. University of Southern California School of Medicine and author of the new book Feed Your Face.


Lea Michele recently revealed her secret to clear skinâShe gives it room to "breathe." "Maybe I'll put on a little mascara. But other than that I try very hard to just let my skin breathe," she told "I care more about letting my skin breathe than how I look."
Another good example is Lily Collins, actor, writer, artist: "When I travel to Europe, I go days without putting anything on. It feels healthier. I just never understood the idea of caking it on. The more you have on your face, the more there is to smudge and go wrong." Glamour - Sept. 2012.

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How do I get rid of acne scarring after my acne is gone?

Q. I used to have really bad acne that covered basically my whole face, mostly my cheeks. I still get zits that pop up now and then, but its totally manageable. Now, the problem I'm having is that I have a bunch of scarring left over on my cheeks from the acne I used to have. I have been using the ProActiv 3-step system and i also have been using ProActiv's skin lightening lotion, though i havent noticed much of an improvement. I dont have any deep scarring or anything, but its about moderate. I hate having these marks on my face and ive been trying to get rid of them for a while. Is there any easy-enough solution to getting rid of moderate acne scarring without having to get involved in surgical processes such as dermabrasion?

A. Acne can be very mild, resulting in a few lone blemishes, or it can be severe when it occurs on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and back. Pustules and deeper cysts occur with very severe acne and scarring may result if the condition is not cared for properly. These scars may be visible for a lifetime. Here's what your can do to prevent these scars from forming, and treat them if they do develop.

Preventing Acne Scars
Never pick or squeeze acne blemishes. This can lead to the spread of acne and the development of acne scars. Instead, there are a number of treatment methods that can be used to care for acne and prevent the development of scars. Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper, bergamot, dandelion root, Echinacea, poke root, witch hazel, and burdock root can be used to reduce toxicity, improve the skin's condition and treat acne. Vitamin supplements can also be helpful as vitamins A, C, E and B6 are vital for healthy skin. Also, avoid exposing your skin to the sun's rays. Initially, sun exposure may dry out an acne blemish, but over time, unprotected sun exposure can damage the skin and further aggravate problem acne.

Types of Acne Scars
Medical professionals have developed a acne scarring classification system that aids in the diagnosis and treatment of many acne scars. Scars may be classified as ice pick, boxcar, or rolling.

Acne Scars - Ice pick
As their name implies, ice pick acne scars are thin, sharp scars. The skin looks as though it has been sliced with an ice pick. These scars are narrow, but deep, extending into the deep dermis or subcutaneous layer.
Acne Scars - Boxcar
Unlike ice pick scars, boxcar scars do not taper to a point. Instead, they are round pits that have sharp vertical edges. Skin resurfacing techniques such as dermabrasion or laser resurfacing may be used to treat shallow boxcar scars. Deeper scars require full-thickness treatment techniques.
Acne Scars - Rolling
Rolling scars appear to have a rolling or undulating texture. They are the result of folds in the skin to the subcutaneous tissue below. Rolling scars must be treated by breaking up the fibrous bands that are causing the skin to fold or roll. Subcutaneous incision is the method most commonly used to treat this condition.

Acne Scar Treatment

Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers such as fat, collagen, hyaluronic acid derivatives, and polytheyl-methacrylate microspheres with collagen can be injected into acne scars to raise the surface of the skin and give a smoother look. The injection of dermal fillers does not permanently correct acne scars. The results are temporary, so further injections are necessary.
Punch Excision
Deep acne scars such as ice pick and deep boxcar scars can be treated with the punch excision method. This procedure uses a punch biopsy tool that looks similar to a round, sharp cookie-cutter. It comes in diameters ranging from 1.5 mm to 3.5 mm, and the correct size can be chosen to match the size of the scar. Local anesthesia is used to remove the scar tissue and suture the edges together. If a new scar should develop in the old one's place, it will now be easier to treat with a skin resurfacing technique.
This technique can also be performed with a skin graft, where the scarred skin is removed and that area is filled with a skin graft taken from behind the ear. Some kind of skin resurfacing technique will still likely be needed to correct any differences in the skin's color and texture.
Punch Elevation
This method of surgically correcting acne scars uses the same punch tool that is used in the punch excision method. It is used on deep boxcar scars that have sharp edges and normal appearing bases. With the punch elevation method, the base of the scar is excised leaving the walls of the scar intact. The excised base is then sutured to the surface of the skin to fill the void. There are fewer incidences of color and texture differences with this technique and less chance of developing another visible scar.
Subcutaneous Incision
Rolling scars can be treated with subcutaneous incision. This method is used to break up the fibrous bands that cause the skin to roll or appear undulated. Local anesthesia is inserted under the skin with a special beveled needle that remains parallel to the skin's surface. The needle is then used to gently cut the fibrous bands with a piston like motion. Bruising is likely to occur with this method, but it will usually fade in about one week.
Laser Resurfacing
Laser resurfacing is a popular treatment used to cure many skin defects. Carbon dioxide and YAG lasers are the two most common types used for the laser resurfacing of acne scars. Using the controlled beam of a laser, the top layer of skin is burned to a precise depth. The skin then heals itself by replacing the lost skin with new skin.

How to remove acne scars and hyper pigmentation?
Q. I'm 13, and I have acne scars on the apples of my cheeks. I don't want to wear powder and concealer to cover up my acne scars due to my mother hating it and I feel awkward wearing it. I want my scars to be gone when I'm 18. Any home remedies or cheap products that can work?

A. Adam Lambert has the worst acne scars. JLo, even Demi Moore have been seen with scars on their faces during interviews. Demi in October 2012 issue of 'People magazine, showed her freckles (acne?) on the cover and inside article photo showed she had them removed but there was a 'hole' and no makeup could fill that in. How about Jennifer Hudson 'flea beaten scars' on her legs, as if she had itched them and got infected. I had some of those when I was a kid. With all their money they're making now, even beauty products can't do anything about their faces or should I say scars.
Avoid exposure from the sun, use a floppy hat. The sun can darken them, even skin where it never saw daylight. The sun can go through clothing.

Avoid too much sun exposure, so it won't make your scars even DARKER. Skin heals. So let your scab heals.

Take the Skin Picture Quiz - Identify These Common Skin Conditions on MedicineNet.
Any kind of facial wash, you're leaving something toxic behind, it's not a matter of convenience, it's a billion dollar business that can do more harm than good to your acne. And sometimes we feel entirely virtuous about our skin-care regimen because it's full of SPF-- all year round!-- and cleansers and such. But the truth is, we may not realize that we're overdoing (or underdoing) something that can lead to the very thing we're trying to avoid: dryness, breakouts, accelerated aging, New York dermatologist Dr. Jeannette Graf. (I've been giving this same advice for decades, but she's proof enough!).
Take a shower everyday, use washcloth to exfoliate and bath & body wash. Hydrogen peroxide does wonders for acne. Visit their website for more tips & other uses. ONLY $1.

Acne medication could worsen what ever allergies you have, so instead of trying out one product after another, you're actually spreading it around.
The less products you use, the better for your skin. Use a bath & body wash like Suave, Irish Spring, Dove Body & Face wash in the shower, use a washcloth. Treat your face like the rest of your body, take a shower everyday or wash your face everyday.

The secret is keeping your face clean and oil-free. I also don't use liquid on my face for anything, and very little moisturizer, not even a dime size. Since my face is not dry. Good skin also comes from your good genes. Increase your fresh fruits & vegetables 3-5 servings per day. And programmed your mind to do this day after day, for the rest of your life.

The beauty industry is a billion dollar business, they know acne is everyone's problem, but instead of saying soap is drying for you, they have to invent an acne product that can worsen the skin as MANY TEENAGERS have experienced during hormonal change, but as you get older those are completely a waste of time & money!

Sometimes just the oil on your face from make up and lotions, even from your hair can travel to your face causing acne to come out. Others, from stress, hormones & diet or foods.

If acne's a problem, your pillowcases may be part of the cause. "They collect skin oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, and excess night creams," says David Bank, a professional Dermatology @ Columbia University/New York-Presbyterian Hospital. "But if nothing changed by 6 week the product will never work for you. Time to move on."

"If you have breakouts, dairy is the devil' it is inflammatory and will add hormones to your already hormone-rife system. Get calcium elsewhere, or try nonfat organic dairy products. For PMS breakouts, avoid dairy and bakery items the week before your period - sugar and flour are both causes for pimples and collagen." Dr. Jessica Wu, M.D. University of Southern California School of Medicine and author of the new book Feed Your Face.


Lea Michele recently revealed her secret to clear skinâShe gives it room to "breathe." "Maybe I'll put on a little mascara. But other than that I try very hard to just let my skin breathe," she told "I care more about letting my skin breathe than how I look."
Another good example is Lily Collins, actor, writer, artist: "When I travel to Europe, I go days without putting anything on. It feels healthier. I just never understood the idea of caking it on. The more you have on your face, the more there is to smudge and go wrong." Glamour - Sept. 2012.

How do I get rid of acne scars and general acne?
Q. I get acne on my chin, lower cheeks and my face has gotten some scarred. Kind of like dark marks, not really indentions. What should I do? Products, methods, anything helps!

A. Acne is caused due to the wrong food habits and improper skin care. It is also caused due to hormonal changes. Another important cause is the high level of insulin produced by processed carbohydrates. This excess level of insulin creates blockage in pores and extra oil under the skin. Acne is an extreme condition of sebaceous glands. When hair follicles are plugged with Acne Marks or Scars

dead cells and sebum, acne is formed. There are many ways to eliminate acne scars at home.

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Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

How do I get rid of acne scarring after my acne is gone?

Q. I used to have really bad acne that covered basically my whole face, mostly my cheeks. I still get zits that pop up now and then, but its totally manageable. Now, the problem I'm having is that I have a bunch of scarring left over on my cheeks from the acne I used to have. I have been using the ProActiv 3-step system and i also have been using ProActiv's skin lightening lotion, though i havent noticed much of an improvement. I dont have any deep scarring or anything, but its about moderate. I hate having these marks on my face and ive been trying to get rid of them for a while. Is there any easy-enough solution to getting rid of moderate acne scarring without having to get involved in surgical processes such as dermabrasion?

A. Acne can be very mild, resulting in a few lone blemishes, or it can be severe when it occurs on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and back. Pustules and deeper cysts occur with very severe acne and scarring may result if the condition is not cared for properly. These scars may be visible for a lifetime. Here's what your can do to prevent these scars from forming, and treat them if they do develop.

Preventing Acne Scars
Never pick or squeeze acne blemishes. This can lead to the spread of acne and the development of acne scars. Instead, there are a number of treatment methods that can be used to care for acne and prevent the development of scars. Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper, bergamot, dandelion root, Echinacea, poke root, witch hazel, and burdock root can be used to reduce toxicity, improve the skin's condition and treat acne. Vitamin supplements can also be helpful as vitamins A, C, E and B6 are vital for healthy skin. Also, avoid exposing your skin to the sun's rays. Initially, sun exposure may dry out an acne blemish, but over time, unprotected sun exposure can damage the skin and further aggravate problem acne.

Types of Acne Scars
Medical professionals have developed a acne scarring classification system that aids in the diagnosis and treatment of many acne scars. Scars may be classified as ice pick, boxcar, or rolling.

Acne Scars - Ice pick
As their name implies, ice pick acne scars are thin, sharp scars. The skin looks as though it has been sliced with an ice pick. These scars are narrow, but deep, extending into the deep dermis or subcutaneous layer.
Acne Scars - Boxcar
Unlike ice pick scars, boxcar scars do not taper to a point. Instead, they are round pits that have sharp vertical edges. Skin resurfacing techniques such as dermabrasion or laser resurfacing may be used to treat shallow boxcar scars. Deeper scars require full-thickness treatment techniques.
Acne Scars - Rolling
Rolling scars appear to have a rolling or undulating texture. They are the result of folds in the skin to the subcutaneous tissue below. Rolling scars must be treated by breaking up the fibrous bands that are causing the skin to fold or roll. Subcutaneous incision is the method most commonly used to treat this condition.

Acne Scar Treatment

Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers such as fat, collagen, hyaluronic acid derivatives, and polytheyl-methacrylate microspheres with collagen can be injected into acne scars to raise the surface of the skin and give a smoother look. The injection of dermal fillers does not permanently correct acne scars. The results are temporary, so further injections are necessary.
Punch Excision
Deep acne scars such as ice pick and deep boxcar scars can be treated with the punch excision method. This procedure uses a punch biopsy tool that looks similar to a round, sharp cookie-cutter. It comes in diameters ranging from 1.5 mm to 3.5 mm, and the correct size can be chosen to match the size of the scar. Local anesthesia is used to remove the scar tissue and suture the edges together. If a new scar should develop in the old one's place, it will now be easier to treat with a skin resurfacing technique.
This technique can also be performed with a skin graft, where the scarred skin is removed and that area is filled with a skin graft taken from behind the ear. Some kind of skin resurfacing technique will still likely be needed to correct any differences in the skin's color and texture.
Punch Elevation
This method of surgically correcting acne scars uses the same punch tool that is used in the punch excision method. It is used on deep boxcar scars that have sharp edges and normal appearing bases. With the punch elevation method, the base of the scar is excised leaving the walls of the scar intact. The excised base is then sutured to the surface of the skin to fill the void. There are fewer incidences of color and texture differences with this technique and less chance of developing another visible scar.
Subcutaneous Incision
Rolling scars can be treated with subcutaneous incision. This method is used to break up the fibrous bands that cause the skin to roll or appear undulated. Local anesthesia is inserted under the skin with a special beveled needle that remains parallel to the skin's surface. The needle is then used to gently cut the fibrous bands with a piston like motion. Bruising is likely to occur with this method, but it will usually fade in about one week.
Laser Resurfacing
Laser resurfacing is a popular treatment used to cure many skin defects. Carbon dioxide and YAG lasers are the two most common types used for the laser resurfacing of acne scars. Using the controlled beam of a laser, the top layer of skin is burned to a precise depth. The skin then heals itself by replacing the lost skin with new skin.

How to remove acne scars and hyper pigmentation?
Q. I'm 13, and I have acne scars on the apples of my cheeks. I don't want to wear powder and concealer to cover up my acne scars due to my mother hating it and I feel awkward wearing it. I want my scars to be gone when I'm 18. Any home remedies or cheap products that can work?

A. Adam Lambert has the worst acne scars. JLo, even Demi Moore have been seen with scars on their faces during interviews. Demi in October 2012 issue of 'People magazine, showed her freckles (acne?) on the cover and inside article photo showed she had them removed but there was a 'hole' and no makeup could fill that in. How about Jennifer Hudson 'flea beaten scars' on her legs, as if she had itched them and got infected. I had some of those when I was a kid. With all their money they're making now, even beauty products can't do anything about their faces or should I say scars.
Avoid exposure from the sun, use a floppy hat. The sun can darken them, even skin where it never saw daylight. The sun can go through clothing.

Avoid too much sun exposure, so it won't make your scars even DARKER. Skin heals. So let your scab heals.

Take the Skin Picture Quiz - Identify These Common Skin Conditions on MedicineNet.
Any kind of facial wash, you're leaving something toxic behind, it's not a matter of convenience, it's a billion dollar business that can do more harm than good to your acne. And sometimes we feel entirely virtuous about our skin-care regimen because it's full of SPF-- all year round!-- and cleansers and such. But the truth is, we may not realize that we're overdoing (or underdoing) something that can lead to the very thing we're trying to avoid: dryness, breakouts, accelerated aging, New York dermatologist Dr. Jeannette Graf. (I've been giving this same advice for decades, but she's proof enough!).
Take a shower everyday, use washcloth to exfoliate and bath & body wash. Hydrogen peroxide does wonders for acne. Visit their website for more tips & other uses. ONLY $1.

Acne medication could worsen what ever allergies you have, so instead of trying out one product after another, you're actually spreading it around.
The less products you use, the better for your skin. Use a bath & body wash like Suave, Irish Spring, Dove Body & Face wash in the shower, use a washcloth. Treat your face like the rest of your body, take a shower everyday or wash your face everyday.

The secret is keeping your face clean and oil-free. I also don't use liquid on my face for anything, and very little moisturizer, not even a dime size. Since my face is not dry. Good skin also comes from your good genes. Increase your fresh fruits & vegetables 3-5 servings per day. And programmed your mind to do this day after day, for the rest of your life.

The beauty industry is a billion dollar business, they know acne is everyone's problem, but instead of saying soap is drying for you, they have to invent an acne product that can worsen the skin as MANY TEENAGERS have experienced during hormonal change, but as you get older those are completely a waste of time & money!

Sometimes just the oil on your face from make up and lotions, even from your hair can travel to your face causing acne to come out. Others, from stress, hormones & diet or foods.

If acne's a problem, your pillowcases may be part of the cause. "They collect skin oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, and excess night creams," says David Bank, a professional Dermatology @ Columbia University/New York-Presbyterian Hospital. "But if nothing changed by 6 week the product will never work for you. Time to move on."

"If you have breakouts, dairy is the devil' it is inflammatory and will add hormones to your already hormone-rife system. Get calcium elsewhere, or try nonfat organic dairy products. For PMS breakouts, avoid dairy and bakery items the week before your period - sugar and flour are both causes for pimples and collagen." Dr. Jessica Wu, M.D. University of Southern California School of Medicine and author of the new book Feed Your Face.


Lea Michele recently revealed her secret to clear skinâShe gives it room to "breathe." "Maybe I'll put on a little mascara. But other than that I try very hard to just let my skin breathe," she told "I care more about letting my skin breathe than how I look."
Another good example is Lily Collins, actor, writer, artist: "When I travel to Europe, I go days without putting anything on. It feels healthier. I just never understood the idea of caking it on. The more you have on your face, the more there is to smudge and go wrong." Glamour - Sept. 2012.

How do I get rid of acne scars and general acne?
Q. I get acne on my chin, lower cheeks and my face has gotten some scarred. Kind of like dark marks, not really indentions. What should I do? Products, methods, anything helps!

A. Acne is caused due to the wrong food habits and improper skin care. It is also caused due to hormonal changes. Another important cause is the high level of insulin produced by processed carbohydrates. This excess level of insulin creates blockage in pores and extra oil under the skin. Acne is an extreme condition of sebaceous glands. When hair follicles are plugged with Acne Marks or Scars

dead cells and sebum, acne is formed. There are many ways to eliminate acne scars at home.

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What acne medication from the dermatologist worked best for you?

Q. I use proactive for my acne and its works pretty well, but it doesnt prevent acne like it should. I have combination skin and mild acne. I need a recommendation.

A. you should get a product called
( Burt's Bees )
this stuff works wonders cause i had some bad acne no lie now my face is clear

What is the best acne treatment out there that is suited for me?
Q. I have moderate acne and a few acne scars on my face, chest, back, and shoulders. I am in serious need of the best acne treatment out there. Please help!

A. It depends on the type of acne. Talk to a dermatologist. But what worked for me was tanning. 5 minutes in a tanning bed three times a week took care of most of my acne, especially on the back, chest, and shoulders. my dermatologist prescribed differin gel for my face and it worked too.

What is the best acne treatment out there that is suited for me?
Q. I have moderate acne and a few acne scars on my face, chest, back, and shoulders. I am in serious need of the best acne treatment out there. Please help!
I was thinking of using Clearpores for my problem. Can I also have your opinions on it, too? Thanks.

A. It depends on the type of acne. Talk to a dermatologist. But what worked for me was tanning. 5 minutes in a tanning bed three times a week took care of most of my acne, especially on the back, chest, and shoulders. my dermatologist prescribed differin gel for my face and it worked to.

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Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

What acne products will work for my skin?

Q. I have lots of acne.
I also have extremely dry skin.
I want something that wil prevent pimples all together,
& keep my skin from getting dry and flaky.

A. 1) Dont eat spicy and junk food.
2) Drink plenty of water.


Hylandâs ClearAc 100% Natural Acne Tablets


Acne Gel

Read More about home remedies and other Acne cure and treatment on:

All the best

What acne medication from the dermatologist worked best for you?
Q. I use proactive for my acne and its works pretty well, but it doesnt prevent acne like it should. I have combination skin and mild acne. I need a recommendation.

A. you should get a product called
( Burt's Bees )
this stuff works wonders cause i had some bad acne no lie now my face is clear

What is the best acne treatment out there that is suited for me?
Q. I have moderate acne and a few acne scars on my face, chest, back, and shoulders. I am in serious need of the best acne treatment out there. Please help!

A. It depends on the type of acne. Talk to a dermatologist. But what worked for me was tanning. 5 minutes in a tanning bed three times a week took care of most of my acne, especially on the back, chest, and shoulders. my dermatologist prescribed differin gel for my face and it worked too.

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How to clear up acne scars on your back?

Q. I have acne scars on my back that are brown spots. I want to get rid of them before I start going to the pool and wearing a swim suit and tank tops. Does exfoliation work? What about body washes for acne? Are there any tricks or home remedies I could use to clear the marks up?

A. Inflammatory acne is very damaging to your skin. Your bodyâs natural defense against injury is to scar your skin. When your skin responds to acne, it can make extra collagen to repair the skin and keep it from getting hurt again. These brown spots are called macules. But, itâs these scars that hurt your self-esteem.

The scars will fade with time but exfoliation will help because it will remove the dead skin cells that are accumulating and not sloughing off on their own. You'll see better results if you exfoliate correctly:
If you have dry or sensitive skin, exfoliate only once per week.
Oily skin: 3-5 times per week
Normal skin: every day

Body washes for acne aren't a bad idea. If you find one with a low concentration of benzoyl peroxide, this can be very effective in preventing more acne breakouts that could lead to scarring. The only drawback to this is that benzoyl peroxide will bleach clothes and hair.

An alternate method for body acne is a water / vinegar solution 1:1 ratio (This is what I use as I have the same issues). Put it in a spray bottle and spray the problem areas at night before you go to bed then shower in the morning. If you normally shower at night, go ahead and still spray it. The "vinegary" smell should dissipate but you may still want to wash off with a wash cloth in the morning.

Be consistent and you should see your skin clear up nicely. I hope this helps!

How long does it take for acne scars to become unnoticable?
Q. My acne scars are so noticeable! How long does it take to become unoticable? And when does it completely heal?
Thanks! :)

A. It depends on what type of acne scars you have - do you have the deep pitted scars from acne cysts or do you have the dark red ones? I had the dark red ones (these are called macules) and these will fade over time. The trick is to not allow more acne to follow that will cause more scars and not allow your skin to heal. In either case, scars can / will fade but depending on what type you have, it depends on how long.

Here is what I recommend to help (this is also what I did and my acne scars did fade).

First, make sure you cleanse at least once a day. Don't overdo it here (sometimes people shower more often thinking they'll get rid of the acne by washing it away - you can actually make things worse if you strip away too much of your natural oils because your skin will respond with making more oil - causing more acne.) If, however, you sweat a lot, you may want to wash your skin again (even it it's just with a wash cloth) - for instance, after playing sports, etc. Wash with a cleanser that YOUR skin responds to. But, do not choose a cleanser that has alcohol in it (as this also causes your skin to dry out and cause more acne). Also, don't choose anything that has fragrance in it as it can irritate your skin.

I would also exfoliate on a regular basis. Exfoliating your skin will help remove dead skin cells that get trapped because of too much sebum (oil) on your skin - causing pores to get clogged...thus forming acne. I expect you have oily skin. With oily skin, you should exfoliate 3-5 per week. (If you have dry or sensitive skin, only once per week; Normal skin would be everyday.) Exfoliating and thus removing the dead skin will allow your new skin to come through but just remember not to overdo it.

Many people think they can hurry the process along and while you can help the appearance of it by removing dead skin so that the new skin comes through, you don't want to make it worse by trying too hard and damaging your skin further.

Good luck to you...I hope that they fade quickly for you.

How do I get rid of acne scarring after my acne is gone?
Q. I used to have really bad acne that covered basically my whole face, mostly my cheeks. I still get zits that pop up now and then, but its totally manageable. Now, the problem I'm having is that I have a bunch of scarring left over on my cheeks from the acne I used to have. I have been using the ProActiv 3-step system and i also have been using ProActiv's skin lightening lotion, though i havent noticed much of an improvement. I dont have any deep scarring or anything, but its about moderate. I hate having these marks on my face and ive been trying to get rid of them for a while. Is there any easy-enough solution to getting rid of moderate acne scarring without having to get involved in surgical processes such as dermabrasion?

A. Acne can be very mild, resulting in a few lone blemishes, or it can be severe when it occurs on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and back. Pustules and deeper cysts occur with very severe acne and scarring may result if the condition is not cared for properly. These scars may be visible for a lifetime. Here's what your can do to prevent these scars from forming, and treat them if they do develop.

Preventing Acne Scars
Never pick or squeeze acne blemishes. This can lead to the spread of acne and the development of acne scars. Instead, there are a number of treatment methods that can be used to care for acne and prevent the development of scars. Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper, bergamot, dandelion root, Echinacea, poke root, witch hazel, and burdock root can be used to reduce toxicity, improve the skin's condition and treat acne. Vitamin supplements can also be helpful as vitamins A, C, E and B6 are vital for healthy skin. Also, avoid exposing your skin to the sun's rays. Initially, sun exposure may dry out an acne blemish, but over time, unprotected sun exposure can damage the skin and further aggravate problem acne.

Types of Acne Scars
Medical professionals have developed a acne scarring classification system that aids in the diagnosis and treatment of many acne scars. Scars may be classified as ice pick, boxcar, or rolling.

Acne Scars - Ice pick
As their name implies, ice pick acne scars are thin, sharp scars. The skin looks as though it has been sliced with an ice pick. These scars are narrow, but deep, extending into the deep dermis or subcutaneous layer.
Acne Scars - Boxcar
Unlike ice pick scars, boxcar scars do not taper to a point. Instead, they are round pits that have sharp vertical edges. Skin resurfacing techniques such as dermabrasion or laser resurfacing may be used to treat shallow boxcar scars. Deeper scars require full-thickness treatment techniques.
Acne Scars - Rolling
Rolling scars appear to have a rolling or undulating texture. They are the result of folds in the skin to the subcutaneous tissue below. Rolling scars must be treated by breaking up the fibrous bands that are causing the skin to fold or roll. Subcutaneous incision is the method most commonly used to treat this condition.

Acne Scar Treatment

Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers such as fat, collagen, hyaluronic acid derivatives, and polytheyl-methacrylate microspheres with collagen can be injected into acne scars to raise the surface of the skin and give a smoother look. The injection of dermal fillers does not permanently correct acne scars. The results are temporary, so further injections are necessary.
Punch Excision
Deep acne scars such as ice pick and deep boxcar scars can be treated with the punch excision method. This procedure uses a punch biopsy tool that looks similar to a round, sharp cookie-cutter. It comes in diameters ranging from 1.5 mm to 3.5 mm, and the correct size can be chosen to match the size of the scar. Local anesthesia is used to remove the scar tissue and suture the edges together. If a new scar should develop in the old one's place, it will now be easier to treat with a skin resurfacing technique.
This technique can also be performed with a skin graft, where the scarred skin is removed and that area is filled with a skin graft taken from behind the ear. Some kind of skin resurfacing technique will still likely be needed to correct any differences in the skin's color and texture.
Punch Elevation
This method of surgically correcting acne scars uses the same punch tool that is used in the punch excision method. It is used on deep boxcar scars that have sharp edges and normal appearing bases. With the punch elevation method, the base of the scar is excised leaving the walls of the scar intact. The excised base is then sutured to the surface of the skin to fill the void. There are fewer incidences of color and texture differences with this technique and less chance of developing another visible scar.
Subcutaneous Incision
Rolling scars can be treated with subcutaneous incision. This method is used to break up the fibrous bands that cause the skin to roll or appear undulated. Local anesthesia is inserted under the skin with a special beveled needle that remains parallel to the skin's surface. The needle is then used to gently cut the fibrous bands with a piston like motion. Bruising is likely to occur with this method, but it will usually fade in about one week.
Laser Resurfacing
Laser resurfacing is a popular treatment used to cure many skin defects. Carbon dioxide and YAG lasers are the two most common types used for the laser resurfacing of acne scars. Using the controlled beam of a laser, the top layer of skin is burned to a precise depth. The skin then heals itself by replacing the lost skin with new skin.

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Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

What is the best acne treatment out there that is suited for me?

Q. I have moderate acne and a few acne scars on my face, chest, back, and shoulders. I am in serious need of the best acne treatment out there. Please help!
I was thinking of using Clearpores for my problem. Can I also have your opinions on it, too? Thanks.

A. It depends on the type of acne. Talk to a dermatologist. But what worked for me was tanning. 5 minutes in a tanning bed three times a week took care of most of my acne, especially on the back, chest, and shoulders. my dermatologist prescribed differin gel for my face and it worked to.

What is the best acne product you can buy without a prescription?
Q. What non prescription acne product will help get rid of my acne the best and keep it away? Life for example proactive, clean and clear, etc. like either in a kit or one product thanks.

A. The best acne treatment is a jug of water. I'm serious, you don't need anything fancy like Fiji water. Just a big bottle of water. Keep it next to you all day and drink 2-3 liters everyday. This helps moisturize your skin and clears out junk from your bloodstream. This will help stop breakouts in the long term.

In the short term, all you need is baking soda, aspirin and honey. Mix the baking soda with a bit of water and lightly massage your face then rinse off. Then crush up the aspirin tablets, mix with a little bit of water and massage onto your face. leave this on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off. Finally, put some honey on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes.

The combination of the above three will clean pores, dry up breakouts, prevent future breakouts and moisturize your skin. However this is only temporary because as your learn to drink more and more water everyday, your body will start to adjust internally. You'll start having less cravings for junk food and your body will be able to deal with the inner problems that lead to acne in the first place.

This means no more breakouts, ever.

How to clear up acne scars on your back?
Q. I have acne scars on my back that are brown spots. I want to get rid of them before I start going to the pool and wearing a swim suit and tank tops. Does exfoliation work? What about body washes for acne? Are there any tricks or home remedies I could use to clear the marks up?

A. Inflammatory acne is very damaging to your skin. Your bodyâs natural defense against injury is to scar your skin. When your skin responds to acne, it can make extra collagen to repair the skin and keep it from getting hurt again. These brown spots are called macules. But, itâs these scars that hurt your self-esteem.

The scars will fade with time but exfoliation will help because it will remove the dead skin cells that are accumulating and not sloughing off on their own. You'll see better results if you exfoliate correctly:
If you have dry or sensitive skin, exfoliate only once per week.
Oily skin: 3-5 times per week
Normal skin: every day

Body washes for acne aren't a bad idea. If you find one with a low concentration of benzoyl peroxide, this can be very effective in preventing more acne breakouts that could lead to scarring. The only drawback to this is that benzoyl peroxide will bleach clothes and hair.

An alternate method for body acne is a water / vinegar solution 1:1 ratio (This is what I use as I have the same issues). Put it in a spray bottle and spray the problem areas at night before you go to bed then shower in the morning. If you normally shower at night, go ahead and still spray it. The "vinegary" smell should dissipate but you may still want to wash off with a wash cloth in the morning.

Be consistent and you should see your skin clear up nicely. I hope this helps!

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How do I get rid of acne scarring after my acne is gone?

Q. I used to have really bad acne that covered basically my whole face, mostly my cheeks. I still get zits that pop up now and then, but its totally manageable. Now, the problem I'm having is that I have a bunch of scarring left over on my cheeks from the acne I used to have. I have been using the ProActiv 3-step system and i also have been using ProActiv's skin lightening lotion, though i havent noticed much of an improvement. I dont have any deep scarring or anything, but its about moderate. I hate having these marks on my face and ive been trying to get rid of them for a while. Is there any easy-enough solution to getting rid of moderate acne scarring without having to get involved in surgical processes such as dermabrasion?

A. Acne can be very mild, resulting in a few lone blemishes, or it can be severe when it occurs on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and back. Pustules and deeper cysts occur with very severe acne and scarring may result if the condition is not cared for properly. These scars may be visible for a lifetime. Here's what your can do to prevent these scars from forming, and treat them if they do develop.

Preventing Acne Scars
Never pick or squeeze acne blemishes. This can lead to the spread of acne and the development of acne scars. Instead, there are a number of treatment methods that can be used to care for acne and prevent the development of scars. Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper, bergamot, dandelion root, Echinacea, poke root, witch hazel, and burdock root can be used to reduce toxicity, improve the skin's condition and treat acne. Vitamin supplements can also be helpful as vitamins A, C, E and B6 are vital for healthy skin. Also, avoid exposing your skin to the sun's rays. Initially, sun exposure may dry out an acne blemish, but over time, unprotected sun exposure can damage the skin and further aggravate problem acne.

Types of Acne Scars
Medical professionals have developed a acne scarring classification system that aids in the diagnosis and treatment of many acne scars. Scars may be classified as ice pick, boxcar, or rolling.

Acne Scars - Ice pick
As their name implies, ice pick acne scars are thin, sharp scars. The skin looks as though it has been sliced with an ice pick. These scars are narrow, but deep, extending into the deep dermis or subcutaneous layer.
Acne Scars - Boxcar
Unlike ice pick scars, boxcar scars do not taper to a point. Instead, they are round pits that have sharp vertical edges. Skin resurfacing techniques such as dermabrasion or laser resurfacing may be used to treat shallow boxcar scars. Deeper scars require full-thickness treatment techniques.
Acne Scars - Rolling
Rolling scars appear to have a rolling or undulating texture. They are the result of folds in the skin to the subcutaneous tissue below. Rolling scars must be treated by breaking up the fibrous bands that are causing the skin to fold or roll. Subcutaneous incision is the method most commonly used to treat this condition.

Acne Scar Treatment

Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers such as fat, collagen, hyaluronic acid derivatives, and polytheyl-methacrylate microspheres with collagen can be injected into acne scars to raise the surface of the skin and give a smoother look. The injection of dermal fillers does not permanently correct acne scars. The results are temporary, so further injections are necessary.
Punch Excision
Deep acne scars such as ice pick and deep boxcar scars can be treated with the punch excision method. This procedure uses a punch biopsy tool that looks similar to a round, sharp cookie-cutter. It comes in diameters ranging from 1.5 mm to 3.5 mm, and the correct size can be chosen to match the size of the scar. Local anesthesia is used to remove the scar tissue and suture the edges together. If a new scar should develop in the old one's place, it will now be easier to treat with a skin resurfacing technique.
This technique can also be performed with a skin graft, where the scarred skin is removed and that area is filled with a skin graft taken from behind the ear. Some kind of skin resurfacing technique will still likely be needed to correct any differences in the skin's color and texture.
Punch Elevation
This method of surgically correcting acne scars uses the same punch tool that is used in the punch excision method. It is used on deep boxcar scars that have sharp edges and normal appearing bases. With the punch elevation method, the base of the scar is excised leaving the walls of the scar intact. The excised base is then sutured to the surface of the skin to fill the void. There are fewer incidences of color and texture differences with this technique and less chance of developing another visible scar.
Subcutaneous Incision
Rolling scars can be treated with subcutaneous incision. This method is used to break up the fibrous bands that cause the skin to roll or appear undulated. Local anesthesia is inserted under the skin with a special beveled needle that remains parallel to the skin's surface. The needle is then used to gently cut the fibrous bands with a piston like motion. Bruising is likely to occur with this method, but it will usually fade in about one week.
Laser Resurfacing
Laser resurfacing is a popular treatment used to cure many skin defects. Carbon dioxide and YAG lasers are the two most common types used for the laser resurfacing of acne scars. Using the controlled beam of a laser, the top layer of skin is burned to a precise depth. The skin then heals itself by replacing the lost skin with new skin.

How to remove acne scars and hyper pigmentation?
Q. I'm 13, and I have acne scars on the apples of my cheeks. I don't want to wear powder and concealer to cover up my acne scars due to my mother hating it and I feel awkward wearing it. I want my scars to be gone when I'm 18. Any home remedies or cheap products that can work?

A. Adam Lambert has the worst acne scars. JLo, even Demi Moore have been seen with scars on their faces during interviews. Demi in October 2012 issue of 'People magazine, showed her freckles (acne?) on the cover and inside article photo showed she had them removed but there was a 'hole' and no makeup could fill that in. How about Jennifer Hudson 'flea beaten scars' on her legs, as if she had itched them and got infected. I had some of those when I was a kid. With all their money they're making now, even beauty products can't do anything about their faces or should I say scars.
Avoid exposure from the sun, use a floppy hat. The sun can darken them, even skin where it never saw daylight. The sun can go through clothing.

Avoid too much sun exposure, so it won't make your scars even DARKER. Skin heals. So let your scab heals.

Take the Skin Picture Quiz - Identify These Common Skin Conditions on MedicineNet.
Any kind of facial wash, you're leaving something toxic behind, it's not a matter of convenience, it's a billion dollar business that can do more harm than good to your acne. And sometimes we feel entirely virtuous about our skin-care regimen because it's full of SPF-- all year round!-- and cleansers and such. But the truth is, we may not realize that we're overdoing (or underdoing) something that can lead to the very thing we're trying to avoid: dryness, breakouts, accelerated aging, New York dermatologist Dr. Jeannette Graf. (I've been giving this same advice for decades, but she's proof enough!).
Take a shower everyday, use washcloth to exfoliate and bath & body wash. Hydrogen peroxide does wonders for acne. Visit their website for more tips & other uses. ONLY $1.

Acne medication could worsen what ever allergies you have, so instead of trying out one product after another, you're actually spreading it around.
The less products you use, the better for your skin. Use a bath & body wash like Suave, Irish Spring, Dove Body & Face wash in the shower, use a washcloth. Treat your face like the rest of your body, take a shower everyday or wash your face everyday.

The secret is keeping your face clean and oil-free. I also don't use liquid on my face for anything, and very little moisturizer, not even a dime size. Since my face is not dry. Good skin also comes from your good genes. Increase your fresh fruits & vegetables 3-5 servings per day. And programmed your mind to do this day after day, for the rest of your life.

The beauty industry is a billion dollar business, they know acne is everyone's problem, but instead of saying soap is drying for you, they have to invent an acne product that can worsen the skin as MANY TEENAGERS have experienced during hormonal change, but as you get older those are completely a waste of time & money!

Sometimes just the oil on your face from make up and lotions, even from your hair can travel to your face causing acne to come out. Others, from stress, hormones & diet or foods.

If acne's a problem, your pillowcases may be part of the cause. "They collect skin oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, and excess night creams," says David Bank, a professional Dermatology @ Columbia University/New York-Presbyterian Hospital. "But if nothing changed by 6 week the product will never work for you. Time to move on."

"If you have breakouts, dairy is the devil' it is inflammatory and will add hormones to your already hormone-rife system. Get calcium elsewhere, or try nonfat organic dairy products. For PMS breakouts, avoid dairy and bakery items the week before your period - sugar and flour are both causes for pimples and collagen." Dr. Jessica Wu, M.D. University of Southern California School of Medicine and author of the new book Feed Your Face.


Lea Michele recently revealed her secret to clear skinâShe gives it room to "breathe." "Maybe I'll put on a little mascara. But other than that I try very hard to just let my skin breathe," she told "I care more about letting my skin breathe than how I look."
Another good example is Lily Collins, actor, writer, artist: "When I travel to Europe, I go days without putting anything on. It feels healthier. I just never understood the idea of caking it on. The more you have on your face, the more there is to smudge and go wrong." Glamour - Sept. 2012.

How do I get rid of acne scars and general acne?
Q. I get acne on my chin, lower cheeks and my face has gotten some scarred. Kind of like dark marks, not really indentions. What should I do? Products, methods, anything helps!

A. Acne is caused due to the wrong food habits and improper skin care. It is also caused due to hormonal changes. Another important cause is the high level of insulin produced by processed carbohydrates. This excess level of insulin creates blockage in pores and extra oil under the skin. Acne is an extreme condition of sebaceous glands. When hair follicles are plugged with Acne Marks or Scars

dead cells and sebum, acne is formed. There are many ways to eliminate acne scars at home.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Jumat, 21 Desember 2012

What is the best acne treatment out there that is suited for me?

Q. I have moderate acne and a few acne scars on my face, chest, back, and shoulders. I am in serious need of the best acne treatment out there. Please help!
I was thinking of using Clearpores for my problem. Can I also have your opinions on it, too? Thanks.

A. It depends on the type of acne. Talk to a dermatologist. But what worked for me was tanning. 5 minutes in a tanning bed three times a week took care of most of my acne, especially on the back, chest, and shoulders. my dermatologist prescribed differin gel for my face and it worked to.

What is the best acne product you can buy without a prescription?
Q. What non prescription acne product will help get rid of my acne the best and keep it away? Life for example proactive, clean and clear, etc. like either in a kit or one product thanks.

A. The best acne treatment is a jug of water. I'm serious, you don't need anything fancy like Fiji water. Just a big bottle of water. Keep it next to you all day and drink 2-3 liters everyday. This helps moisturize your skin and clears out junk from your bloodstream. This will help stop breakouts in the long term.

In the short term, all you need is baking soda, aspirin and honey. Mix the baking soda with a bit of water and lightly massage your face then rinse off. Then crush up the aspirin tablets, mix with a little bit of water and massage onto your face. leave this on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off. Finally, put some honey on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes.

The combination of the above three will clean pores, dry up breakouts, prevent future breakouts and moisturize your skin. However this is only temporary because as your learn to drink more and more water everyday, your body will start to adjust internally. You'll start having less cravings for junk food and your body will be able to deal with the inner problems that lead to acne in the first place.

This means no more breakouts, ever.

How to clear up acne scars on your back?
Q. I have acne scars on my back that are brown spots. I want to get rid of them before I start going to the pool and wearing a swim suit and tank tops. Does exfoliation work? What about body washes for acne? Are there any tricks or home remedies I could use to clear the marks up?

A. Inflammatory acne is very damaging to your skin. Your bodyâs natural defense against injury is to scar your skin. When your skin responds to acne, it can make extra collagen to repair the skin and keep it from getting hurt again. These brown spots are called macules. But, itâs these scars that hurt your self-esteem.

The scars will fade with time but exfoliation will help because it will remove the dead skin cells that are accumulating and not sloughing off on their own. You'll see better results if you exfoliate correctly:
If you have dry or sensitive skin, exfoliate only once per week.
Oily skin: 3-5 times per week
Normal skin: every day

Body washes for acne aren't a bad idea. If you find one with a low concentration of benzoyl peroxide, this can be very effective in preventing more acne breakouts that could lead to scarring. The only drawback to this is that benzoyl peroxide will bleach clothes and hair.

An alternate method for body acne is a water / vinegar solution 1:1 ratio (This is what I use as I have the same issues). Put it in a spray bottle and spray the problem areas at night before you go to bed then shower in the morning. If you normally shower at night, go ahead and still spray it. The "vinegary" smell should dissipate but you may still want to wash off with a wash cloth in the morning.

Be consistent and you should see your skin clear up nicely. I hope this helps!

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What acne products will work for my skin?

Q. I have lots of acne.
I also have extremely dry skin.
I want something that wil prevent pimples all together,
& keep my skin from getting dry and flaky.

A. 1) Dont eat spicy and junk food.
2) Drink plenty of water.


Hylandâs ClearAc 100% Natural Acne Tablets


Acne Gel

Read More about home remedies and other Acne cure and treatment on:

All the best

What acne medication from the dermatologist worked best for you?
Q. I use proactive for my acne and its works pretty well, but it doesnt prevent acne like it should. I have combination skin and mild acne. I need a recommendation.

A. you should get a product called
( Burt's Bees )
this stuff works wonders cause i had some bad acne no lie now my face is clear

What is the best acne treatment out there that is suited for me?
Q. I have moderate acne and a few acne scars on my face, chest, back, and shoulders. I am in serious need of the best acne treatment out there. Please help!

A. It depends on the type of acne. Talk to a dermatologist. But what worked for me was tanning. 5 minutes in a tanning bed three times a week took care of most of my acne, especially on the back, chest, and shoulders. my dermatologist prescribed differin gel for my face and it worked too.

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Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

How to clear up acne scars on your back?

Q. I have acne scars on my back that are brown spots. I want to get rid of them before I start going to the pool and wearing a swim suit and tank tops. Does exfoliation work? What about body washes for acne? Are there any tricks or home remedies I could use to clear the marks up?

A. Inflammatory acne is very damaging to your skin. Your bodyâs natural defense against injury is to scar your skin. When your skin responds to acne, it can make extra collagen to repair the skin and keep it from getting hurt again. These brown spots are called macules. But, itâs these scars that hurt your self-esteem.

The scars will fade with time but exfoliation will help because it will remove the dead skin cells that are accumulating and not sloughing off on their own. You'll see better results if you exfoliate correctly:
If you have dry or sensitive skin, exfoliate only once per week.
Oily skin: 3-5 times per week
Normal skin: every day

Body washes for acne aren't a bad idea. If you find one with a low concentration of benzoyl peroxide, this can be very effective in preventing more acne breakouts that could lead to scarring. The only drawback to this is that benzoyl peroxide will bleach clothes and hair.

An alternate method for body acne is a water / vinegar solution 1:1 ratio (This is what I use as I have the same issues). Put it in a spray bottle and spray the problem areas at night before you go to bed then shower in the morning. If you normally shower at night, go ahead and still spray it. The "vinegary" smell should dissipate but you may still want to wash off with a wash cloth in the morning.

Be consistent and you should see your skin clear up nicely. I hope this helps!

How long does it take for acne scars to become unnoticable?
Q. My acne scars are so noticeable! How long does it take to become unoticable? And when does it completely heal?
Thanks! :)

A. It depends on what type of acne scars you have - do you have the deep pitted scars from acne cysts or do you have the dark red ones? I had the dark red ones (these are called macules) and these will fade over time. The trick is to not allow more acne to follow that will cause more scars and not allow your skin to heal. In either case, scars can / will fade but depending on what type you have, it depends on how long.

Here is what I recommend to help (this is also what I did and my acne scars did fade).

First, make sure you cleanse at least once a day. Don't overdo it here (sometimes people shower more often thinking they'll get rid of the acne by washing it away - you can actually make things worse if you strip away too much of your natural oils because your skin will respond with making more oil - causing more acne.) If, however, you sweat a lot, you may want to wash your skin again (even it it's just with a wash cloth) - for instance, after playing sports, etc. Wash with a cleanser that YOUR skin responds to. But, do not choose a cleanser that has alcohol in it (as this also causes your skin to dry out and cause more acne). Also, don't choose anything that has fragrance in it as it can irritate your skin.

I would also exfoliate on a regular basis. Exfoliating your skin will help remove dead skin cells that get trapped because of too much sebum (oil) on your skin - causing pores to get clogged...thus forming acne. I expect you have oily skin. With oily skin, you should exfoliate 3-5 per week. (If you have dry or sensitive skin, only once per week; Normal skin would be everyday.) Exfoliating and thus removing the dead skin will allow your new skin to come through but just remember not to overdo it.

Many people think they can hurry the process along and while you can help the appearance of it by removing dead skin so that the new skin comes through, you don't want to make it worse by trying too hard and damaging your skin further.

Good luck to you...I hope that they fade quickly for you.

How do I get rid of acne scarring after my acne is gone?
Q. I used to have really bad acne that covered basically my whole face, mostly my cheeks. I still get zits that pop up now and then, but its totally manageable. Now, the problem I'm having is that I have a bunch of scarring left over on my cheeks from the acne I used to have. I have been using the ProActiv 3-step system and i also have been using ProActiv's skin lightening lotion, though i havent noticed much of an improvement. I dont have any deep scarring or anything, but its about moderate. I hate having these marks on my face and ive been trying to get rid of them for a while. Is there any easy-enough solution to getting rid of moderate acne scarring without having to get involved in surgical processes such as dermabrasion?

A. Acne can be very mild, resulting in a few lone blemishes, or it can be severe when it occurs on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and back. Pustules and deeper cysts occur with very severe acne and scarring may result if the condition is not cared for properly. These scars may be visible for a lifetime. Here's what your can do to prevent these scars from forming, and treat them if they do develop.

Preventing Acne Scars
Never pick or squeeze acne blemishes. This can lead to the spread of acne and the development of acne scars. Instead, there are a number of treatment methods that can be used to care for acne and prevent the development of scars. Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper, bergamot, dandelion root, Echinacea, poke root, witch hazel, and burdock root can be used to reduce toxicity, improve the skin's condition and treat acne. Vitamin supplements can also be helpful as vitamins A, C, E and B6 are vital for healthy skin. Also, avoid exposing your skin to the sun's rays. Initially, sun exposure may dry out an acne blemish, but over time, unprotected sun exposure can damage the skin and further aggravate problem acne.

Types of Acne Scars
Medical professionals have developed a acne scarring classification system that aids in the diagnosis and treatment of many acne scars. Scars may be classified as ice pick, boxcar, or rolling.

Acne Scars - Ice pick
As their name implies, ice pick acne scars are thin, sharp scars. The skin looks as though it has been sliced with an ice pick. These scars are narrow, but deep, extending into the deep dermis or subcutaneous layer.
Acne Scars - Boxcar
Unlike ice pick scars, boxcar scars do not taper to a point. Instead, they are round pits that have sharp vertical edges. Skin resurfacing techniques such as dermabrasion or laser resurfacing may be used to treat shallow boxcar scars. Deeper scars require full-thickness treatment techniques.
Acne Scars - Rolling
Rolling scars appear to have a rolling or undulating texture. They are the result of folds in the skin to the subcutaneous tissue below. Rolling scars must be treated by breaking up the fibrous bands that are causing the skin to fold or roll. Subcutaneous incision is the method most commonly used to treat this condition.

Acne Scar Treatment

Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers such as fat, collagen, hyaluronic acid derivatives, and polytheyl-methacrylate microspheres with collagen can be injected into acne scars to raise the surface of the skin and give a smoother look. The injection of dermal fillers does not permanently correct acne scars. The results are temporary, so further injections are necessary.
Punch Excision
Deep acne scars such as ice pick and deep boxcar scars can be treated with the punch excision method. This procedure uses a punch biopsy tool that looks similar to a round, sharp cookie-cutter. It comes in diameters ranging from 1.5 mm to 3.5 mm, and the correct size can be chosen to match the size of the scar. Local anesthesia is used to remove the scar tissue and suture the edges together. If a new scar should develop in the old one's place, it will now be easier to treat with a skin resurfacing technique.
This technique can also be performed with a skin graft, where the scarred skin is removed and that area is filled with a skin graft taken from behind the ear. Some kind of skin resurfacing technique will still likely be needed to correct any differences in the skin's color and texture.
Punch Elevation
This method of surgically correcting acne scars uses the same punch tool that is used in the punch excision method. It is used on deep boxcar scars that have sharp edges and normal appearing bases. With the punch elevation method, the base of the scar is excised leaving the walls of the scar intact. The excised base is then sutured to the surface of the skin to fill the void. There are fewer incidences of color and texture differences with this technique and less chance of developing another visible scar.
Subcutaneous Incision
Rolling scars can be treated with subcutaneous incision. This method is used to break up the fibrous bands that cause the skin to roll or appear undulated. Local anesthesia is inserted under the skin with a special beveled needle that remains parallel to the skin's surface. The needle is then used to gently cut the fibrous bands with a piston like motion. Bruising is likely to occur with this method, but it will usually fade in about one week.
Laser Resurfacing
Laser resurfacing is a popular treatment used to cure many skin defects. Carbon dioxide and YAG lasers are the two most common types used for the laser resurfacing of acne scars. Using the controlled beam of a laser, the top layer of skin is burned to a precise depth. The skin then heals itself by replacing the lost skin with new skin.

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Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

How long does it take for acne scars to become unnoticable?

Q. My acne scars are so noticeable! How long does it take to become unoticable? And when does it completely heal?
Thanks! :)

A. It depends on what type of acne scars you have - do you have the deep pitted scars from acne cysts or do you have the dark red ones? I had the dark red ones (these are called macules) and these will fade over time. The trick is to not allow more acne to follow that will cause more scars and not allow your skin to heal. In either case, scars can / will fade but depending on what type you have, it depends on how long.

Here is what I recommend to help (this is also what I did and my acne scars did fade).

First, make sure you cleanse at least once a day. Don't overdo it here (sometimes people shower more often thinking they'll get rid of the acne by washing it away - you can actually make things worse if you strip away too much of your natural oils because your skin will respond with making more oil - causing more acne.) If, however, you sweat a lot, you may want to wash your skin again (even it it's just with a wash cloth) - for instance, after playing sports, etc. Wash with a cleanser that YOUR skin responds to. But, do not choose a cleanser that has alcohol in it (as this also causes your skin to dry out and cause more acne). Also, don't choose anything that has fragrance in it as it can irritate your skin.

I would also exfoliate on a regular basis. Exfoliating your skin will help remove dead skin cells that get trapped because of too much sebum (oil) on your skin - causing pores to get clogged...thus forming acne. I expect you have oily skin. With oily skin, you should exfoliate 3-5 per week. (If you have dry or sensitive skin, only once per week; Normal skin would be everyday.) Exfoliating and thus removing the dead skin will allow your new skin to come through but just remember not to overdo it.

Many people think they can hurry the process along and while you can help the appearance of it by removing dead skin so that the new skin comes through, you don't want to make it worse by trying too hard and damaging your skin further.

Good luck to you...I hope that they fade quickly for you.

How do I get rid of acne scarring after my acne is gone?
Q. I used to have really bad acne that covered basically my whole face, mostly my cheeks. I still get zits that pop up now and then, but its totally manageable. Now, the problem I'm having is that I have a bunch of scarring left over on my cheeks from the acne I used to have. I have been using the ProActiv 3-step system and i also have been using ProActiv's skin lightening lotion, though i havent noticed much of an improvement. I dont have any deep scarring or anything, but its about moderate. I hate having these marks on my face and ive been trying to get rid of them for a while. Is there any easy-enough solution to getting rid of moderate acne scarring without having to get involved in surgical processes such as dermabrasion?

A. Acne can be very mild, resulting in a few lone blemishes, or it can be severe when it occurs on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and back. Pustules and deeper cysts occur with very severe acne and scarring may result if the condition is not cared for properly. These scars may be visible for a lifetime. Here's what your can do to prevent these scars from forming, and treat them if they do develop.

Preventing Acne Scars
Never pick or squeeze acne blemishes. This can lead to the spread of acne and the development of acne scars. Instead, there are a number of treatment methods that can be used to care for acne and prevent the development of scars. Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper, bergamot, dandelion root, Echinacea, poke root, witch hazel, and burdock root can be used to reduce toxicity, improve the skin's condition and treat acne. Vitamin supplements can also be helpful as vitamins A, C, E and B6 are vital for healthy skin. Also, avoid exposing your skin to the sun's rays. Initially, sun exposure may dry out an acne blemish, but over time, unprotected sun exposure can damage the skin and further aggravate problem acne.

Types of Acne Scars
Medical professionals have developed a acne scarring classification system that aids in the diagnosis and treatment of many acne scars. Scars may be classified as ice pick, boxcar, or rolling.

Acne Scars - Ice pick
As their name implies, ice pick acne scars are thin, sharp scars. The skin looks as though it has been sliced with an ice pick. These scars are narrow, but deep, extending into the deep dermis or subcutaneous layer.
Acne Scars - Boxcar
Unlike ice pick scars, boxcar scars do not taper to a point. Instead, they are round pits that have sharp vertical edges. Skin resurfacing techniques such as dermabrasion or laser resurfacing may be used to treat shallow boxcar scars. Deeper scars require full-thickness treatment techniques.
Acne Scars - Rolling
Rolling scars appear to have a rolling or undulating texture. They are the result of folds in the skin to the subcutaneous tissue below. Rolling scars must be treated by breaking up the fibrous bands that are causing the skin to fold or roll. Subcutaneous incision is the method most commonly used to treat this condition.

Acne Scar Treatment

Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers such as fat, collagen, hyaluronic acid derivatives, and polytheyl-methacrylate microspheres with collagen can be injected into acne scars to raise the surface of the skin and give a smoother look. The injection of dermal fillers does not permanently correct acne scars. The results are temporary, so further injections are necessary.
Punch Excision
Deep acne scars such as ice pick and deep boxcar scars can be treated with the punch excision method. This procedure uses a punch biopsy tool that looks similar to a round, sharp cookie-cutter. It comes in diameters ranging from 1.5 mm to 3.5 mm, and the correct size can be chosen to match the size of the scar. Local anesthesia is used to remove the scar tissue and suture the edges together. If a new scar should develop in the old one's place, it will now be easier to treat with a skin resurfacing technique.
This technique can also be performed with a skin graft, where the scarred skin is removed and that area is filled with a skin graft taken from behind the ear. Some kind of skin resurfacing technique will still likely be needed to correct any differences in the skin's color and texture.
Punch Elevation
This method of surgically correcting acne scars uses the same punch tool that is used in the punch excision method. It is used on deep boxcar scars that have sharp edges and normal appearing bases. With the punch elevation method, the base of the scar is excised leaving the walls of the scar intact. The excised base is then sutured to the surface of the skin to fill the void. There are fewer incidences of color and texture differences with this technique and less chance of developing another visible scar.
Subcutaneous Incision
Rolling scars can be treated with subcutaneous incision. This method is used to break up the fibrous bands that cause the skin to roll or appear undulated. Local anesthesia is inserted under the skin with a special beveled needle that remains parallel to the skin's surface. The needle is then used to gently cut the fibrous bands with a piston like motion. Bruising is likely to occur with this method, but it will usually fade in about one week.
Laser Resurfacing
Laser resurfacing is a popular treatment used to cure many skin defects. Carbon dioxide and YAG lasers are the two most common types used for the laser resurfacing of acne scars. Using the controlled beam of a laser, the top layer of skin is burned to a precise depth. The skin then heals itself by replacing the lost skin with new skin.

How to remove acne scars and hyper pigmentation?
Q. I'm 13, and I have acne scars on the apples of my cheeks. I don't want to wear powder and concealer to cover up my acne scars due to my mother hating it and I feel awkward wearing it. I want my scars to be gone when I'm 18. Any home remedies or cheap products that can work?

A. Adam Lambert has the worst acne scars. JLo, even Demi Moore have been seen with scars on their faces during interviews. Demi in October 2012 issue of 'People magazine, showed her freckles (acne?) on the cover and inside article photo showed she had them removed but there was a 'hole' and no makeup could fill that in. How about Jennifer Hudson 'flea beaten scars' on her legs, as if she had itched them and got infected. I had some of those when I was a kid. With all their money they're making now, even beauty products can't do anything about their faces or should I say scars.
Avoid exposure from the sun, use a floppy hat. The sun can darken them, even skin where it never saw daylight. The sun can go through clothing.

Avoid too much sun exposure, so it won't make your scars even DARKER. Skin heals. So let your scab heals.

Take the Skin Picture Quiz - Identify These Common Skin Conditions on MedicineNet.
Any kind of facial wash, you're leaving something toxic behind, it's not a matter of convenience, it's a billion dollar business that can do more harm than good to your acne. And sometimes we feel entirely virtuous about our skin-care regimen because it's full of SPF-- all year round!-- and cleansers and such. But the truth is, we may not realize that we're overdoing (or underdoing) something that can lead to the very thing we're trying to avoid: dryness, breakouts, accelerated aging, New York dermatologist Dr. Jeannette Graf. (I've been giving this same advice for decades, but she's proof enough!).
Take a shower everyday, use washcloth to exfoliate and bath & body wash. Hydrogen peroxide does wonders for acne. Visit their website for more tips & other uses. ONLY $1.

Acne medication could worsen what ever allergies you have, so instead of trying out one product after another, you're actually spreading it around.
The less products you use, the better for your skin. Use a bath & body wash like Suave, Irish Spring, Dove Body & Face wash in the shower, use a washcloth. Treat your face like the rest of your body, take a shower everyday or wash your face everyday.

The secret is keeping your face clean and oil-free. I also don't use liquid on my face for anything, and very little moisturizer, not even a dime size. Since my face is not dry. Good skin also comes from your good genes. Increase your fresh fruits & vegetables 3-5 servings per day. And programmed your mind to do this day after day, for the rest of your life.

The beauty industry is a billion dollar business, they know acne is everyone's problem, but instead of saying soap is drying for you, they have to invent an acne product that can worsen the skin as MANY TEENAGERS have experienced during hormonal change, but as you get older those are completely a waste of time & money!

Sometimes just the oil on your face from make up and lotions, even from your hair can travel to your face causing acne to come out. Others, from stress, hormones & diet or foods.

If acne's a problem, your pillowcases may be part of the cause. "They collect skin oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, and excess night creams," says David Bank, a professional Dermatology @ Columbia University/New York-Presbyterian Hospital. "But if nothing changed by 6 week the product will never work for you. Time to move on."

"If you have breakouts, dairy is the devil' it is inflammatory and will add hormones to your already hormone-rife system. Get calcium elsewhere, or try nonfat organic dairy products. For PMS breakouts, avoid dairy and bakery items the week before your period - sugar and flour are both causes for pimples and collagen." Dr. Jessica Wu, M.D. University of Southern California School of Medicine and author of the new book Feed Your Face.


Lea Michele recently revealed her secret to clear skinâShe gives it room to "breathe." "Maybe I'll put on a little mascara. But other than that I try very hard to just let my skin breathe," she told "I care more about letting my skin breathe than how I look."
Another good example is Lily Collins, actor, writer, artist: "When I travel to Europe, I go days without putting anything on. It feels healthier. I just never understood the idea of caking it on. The more you have on your face, the more there is to smudge and go wrong." Glamour - Sept. 2012.

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